Scores must be recorded on the club’s official score cards and must state:
Archer’s full name
Shoot Date
Archer’s shooting division
Peg Colour
When shooting the IFAA course, the scores of all 4 arrows on each target must be recorded .
Scoring Rules
All arrows must be left in the target until viewed and scored by the whole group. If an archer pulls out the arrows before the rest of the group has been able to view them that archer’s score may be recorded as zero. If the archer repeats the offence it will result in the offending shooter being disqualified.
An arrow needs to touch a line to score. If there is any gap between the arrow and the score line then that arrow does not score.
Do not touch or pull out any arrows until all scores are written down.
If an arrow passes through or bounces out of a target, the score will stand if a group member reliably witnessed it. If not the shot is to be recorded as a miss.
If an infringement of the rules occurs, archers may lodge a formal protest. Protests are to be in writing on the Protest Form (which can be obtained from the Registrar) and lodged with the Protest Committee no later than one hour after the courses closing for that day. The Protest Committee, consisting of the Registrar, plus two senior committee members, will hear the protest as soon as practicable after the protest has been lodged. The decision of the Protest Committee will be final.
3D Black Bear
Badges System - Animal
The Club has defined a badge system to allow you to record your progress through the varying difficulties of shooting. Each badge is obtained by shooting three qualifying scores within a twelve-month period.
You must complete each round accompanied by at least two other club members, one of whom may not be a family member. For the qualifying score to be recognised for badge issuing purposes, the scorecard must be dated, and you and the scorer must sign it.
For the scorer's own card, two other members of the same group must sign the card. Place the completed scorecard in the scorecard box at the Club or hand to the Registrar on the day.
A qualifying scorecard must be marked with 'Q', the peg colour and the relevant score.
Examples: ‘Q Blue 400’, ‘Q White 500’, ‘Q Red 400’
Archers do not have to start at the closest peg but may begin their journey at a level that best reflects their ability at the time. Club badges are awarded for each qualifying score see below.
Badges - Animal
Blue 400
Blue 450
Blue 475 (Stringbows Only)
Blue 500
White 400
White 450
White 475 (Stringbows Only)
White 500
Red 400
Red 450
Red 475 (Stringbows Only)
Red 500
Red 520
Red 530
Red 540
Red 550
Silver 475 (Stringbows Only)
Silver 500 (Stringbows Only)
Silver 520
Silver 530
Silver 540
Silver 550
You will be presented with a club badge upon obtaining your first qualifying score. As you attain each subsequent score, you will receive a new colour-coded bar to attach to your badge as recognition of your achievement.
To track your journey and the improvement in your skills, ideally, you should attain the highest qualifying score from each peg before moving to the next level.
Badges apply to each approved bow type, so you can obtain different badges across three different bows (i.e. Traditional/Longbow, Recurve and Compound).
However, please note that you cannot go back down a grade within each bow type. For example, in the case where you are using a recurve bow, once you have achieved your Red 500, you cannot go back to attain a Red 400 or 450 or any other lower badge.
Badges - IFAA
Badge System – IFAA Course
a) Each badge is obtained by shooting 3 qualifying scores from either IFAA Field or IFAA Hunter rounds within a 12-month period.
b) IFAA Badges are earned over 28 targets. Where there are only 14 IFAA targets on the course, then 2 rounds are shot on one day to qualify for the appropriate badge.
c) The IFAA badge system applies to scores shot from the senior peg only.
d) There are 5 different colours through the badge system so you can see immediately how well everyone is doing. This gives the archer an added sense of achievement as they complete a colour block.
e) You must complete each round accompanied by at least 2 other club members, 1 of whom may not be a family member.
f) For the qualifying score to be recognised for badge purposes, the scorecard must be dated, and you and the scorer must sign it. For the scorer’s own card, 2 other members of the same group must sign the card. Place the completed scorecard in the scorecard box at the club or hand to the registrar on the day.
g) A qualifying scorecard must be marked ‘Q’, the badge colour, and the relevant score.
Examples: ‘Q Yellow 350’, ‘Q Green 500’, ‘Q Black 550’